Workers at Killarney Golf Club, Co. Kerry, have voted to accept a new restructuring plan for the business and to defer planned strike action scheduled to commence on Tuesday, 7th May. Staff voted overwhelmingly to accept the proposals at a meeting on the evening of Wednesday, 1st May. The restructuring plan will result in 21 job losses with workers receiving redundancy payments of four weeks per year of service. SIPTU Organiser, Denis Hynes, said: “The new restructuring plan was agreed following negotiations between union representatives and management. For workers who have decided to accept redundancy the new restructuring plan provides for greatly improved payments than were initially offered by management. Proposed wage cuts and changes to working conditionsfor those workers remaining with the companyhave also been greatly reduced.” He added: “The negotiation process which resulted in this agreement was difficult but the workers believe the outcome is good for them and the local economy which is heavily reliant on the maintenance of a high quality tourist industry.”