The Bord na Móna Group of Unions has expressed disappointment at the company’s announcement that it is to phase out the harvesting of peat for energy and the lack of consultation with workers concerning the move. Bord na Móna Group of Unions Secretary and SIPTU Organiser, John Regan, said: “Workers in Bord na Móna where disappointed to only learn of this move through the media. However, they were not surprised as this disregard for the company’s employees and existing industrial relations structures as it fits into a pattern of behaviour by Bord na Móna management.”Unite Official, Ed Thompson, said: “Today’s announcement that the company intends to end the harvesting of peat for energy seems to stand in stark contradiction to the recent agreement to continue supplying peat to the West Offaly and Lough Ree power stations up to 2030. The Bord na Móna Group of Unions is seeking clarification on whether today’s announcement has any impact on this agreement with the ESB.”