The Bord na Móna Group of Unions and management at the semi-state company will attend a conciliation meeting at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) in Dublin on Thursday (29th January). The meeting will discuss a dispute at Bord na Móna concerning attempts to change workers conditions of employment and an outstanding 3.5% pay claim.Bord na Móna Group of Unions Secretary and SIPTU Organiser, John Regan, said: “It is incumbent on all parties to make a serious attempt to reach a settlement in this dispute. Agreed structures must be put in place for dealing with the major change the company intends to undertake in the coming months.”He added: “These changes, which the company is describing as a transformation, will only be successful if proper regard is given to ensuring agreements relating to workers’ terms and conditions of employment are fully respected. These conditions include the orderly way disputes are managed within the company and referred, where necessary, to third parties.”The Bord na Móna Group of Unions includes all members of SIPTU, Unite and the TEEU at the semi-state company.Bord na Móna management is currently attempting to reduce pay and numbers at the company in order to achieve a cut of €23.3 million in expenditure. These cuts are being forced on the workforce despite Bord na Móna being a highly profitable company, with €50 million profits declared in its annual financial returns for 2013/2014.