Community Employment (CE) Supervisors have called on TDs from all parties and Independents, to support a private members motion on Tuesday (24th April) evening which calls on the Government to implement a Labour Court recommendation to provide them with a pension scheme. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Eddie Mullins said: “This motion follows a meeting between CE Supervisors and their union representatives with members of the Oireachtas last Wednesday, 18th April. The CE Supervisors who attended this meeting were enthused by the strong support they received from the members of all the Dáil parties and Independents who attended it.“Resulting from this meeting, Fianna Fáil agreed to sponsor a private members’ motion which calls on the Government to immediately implement the long-standing Labour Court recommendation concerning the establishment of a pension scheme for CE Supervisors.“In light of the commitments the workers received at the meeting last week, they are confident that the motion will receive support from a wide range of TDs, including members of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Labour, Sinn Féin and Independents.”He added: “CE Supervisors play an invaluable and essential role in the delivery of programmes and schemes which are crucial to the wellbeing of communities throughout the country. The patience of our members concerning the establishment of an adequate pension scheme is wearing very thin. “It has been nearly three years since a commitment was given that this outstanding Labour Court recommendation would be resolved. Since then, we have had a change of Government and no real action on the issue.”
CE Supervisors call on TDs to support motion concerning their pension rights
Apr 23, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018