SIPTU members in the security and cleaning sector are staged a protest outside Crumlin Shopping Centre on Monday (13th May). The protest will highlight an attempt by the management of At Risk Security to unilaterally impose reductions to workers' pay and conditions of employment.SIPTU Organiser, Ed Kenny, said: “At Risk Security recently took over the contract to provide security and cleaning services at Crumlin Shopping Centre. However, the company has failed to respect its legal obligations to the existing workforce under transfer of undertakings legislation. This legally protects workers' existing pay and conditions of employment when a new employer takes over the running of an existing contract.”He added: “The management of At Risk Security has told workers they must accept reductions in pay and major changes to their terms and conditions of employment. These include an expectation that cleaning staff will carry out security duties and security workers will preform cleaning tasks.“This is not only a complete disregard for the workers' existing terms of employment but also has implications in terms of the licensing system that has been introduced to ensure security staff have adequate professional training.“The workers have been left with no option but to embark on a protest campaign to highlight their treatment by the management of At Risk Security.”