Congress General Secretary David Begg said today (May 1) that the gains of Social Europe for working people were being dramatically eroded and undermined by synchronised austerity across the European Union. Begg said that across Europe on May Day – including in Dublin – trade unions and progressive forces were mobilising “in favour of jobs and growth, in support of hope and the chance of a decent future and against the socially-destructive policies that have been pursued since the crash of 2008. “The citizens of Ireland and the citizens of Europe know full well that mass unemployment and widespread misery are no basis for recovery, let alone the building of a decent society and a better future for all,” he said. “Here at home, Congress is calling for a major shift in policy with the creation of jobs and stimulating growth becoming the focal points for government. We need to urgently begin the process of rebuilding and recovery – and that will not happen by following policy prescriptions that even the head of the European Commission concedes have gone too far,” Begg concluded.