Workers and SIPTU representatives will meet with Kells Town Council on Monday, 15th July, to discuss the industrial dispute at St. Colmcilles' Credit Union in Kells, county Meath. Following a request from SIPTU, councillors confirmed the credit union workers can attend the Town Council meeting to outline the background to the dispute which has arisen in response to a management failure to recognise their union for collective bargaining purposes.SIPTU Meath District Council secretary, John Regan, said: “It was unacceptable that management has refused to recognise their employees’ right to join and be represented collectively by a trade union.“The Labour Court recommended that management at the Credit Union recognise SIPTU for the purposes of collective bargaining. The workers at Kells Credit Union joined SIPTU over a year ago and the union has been attempting to engage with it ever since.”He added: “However, management has refused to engage in direct talks with the union over the issue of collective bargaining rights and has ignored efforts by the Labour Relations Commission and the Labour Court to resolve the dispute.”The Credit Union workers commenced industrial action with a one-day work stoppage on Friday, 28th June. Further industrial action is planned if management continues to refuse to recognise the workers’ union for collective bargaining purposes.