SIPTU members locked out of their jobs at Greyhound Recycling and Recovery have voted today (Tuesday, 2nd September) to accept a Labour Relations Commission (LRC) offer to engage in talks with representatives of the waste disposal company. A substantial majority of the workers voted in favour of engaging in the talks process in a ballot conducted this morning in west Dublin.SIPTU Organiser, Henry O’Shea, said: “Following the counting of the ballot contact was made with representatives of the LRC. The union is currently awaiting a response as to when the talks process will begin. It is hoped that this process will result in a fair and just resolution to this dispute”.The Greyhound workers have been locked out at the west Dublin based waste disposal company since 17th June. Management at the company is attempting to force workers to accept wage cuts of up to 35% and has employed strike breakers to carry out waste collections during the dispute.SIPTU has 80 members in the company which has a contract to collect household waste for Dublin City Council.