SIPTU members commenced a 48-hour work stoppage at 6.30 a.m. on Thursday, 12th September, at Milne Foods in Birr, County Offaly, due to the company’s failure to implement a Labour Court recommendation in relation to workers' conditions of employment. SIPTU Organiser, Michael Browne, said: “This stoppage is the latest in a series of strike actions which the Milne Food workers have undertaken since 11th July. The industrial action began when it became clear that the company had no intention of implementing the Labour Court recommendation which it received back in March. "This company is in receipt of State funds from contracts to supply publicly funded bodies including a number of Health Service Executive hospitals. However, management is refusing to honour a Labour Court recommendation or even meet with workers’ representatives." He added: “The workers have received great support from the local community and their fellow trade unionists and will continue their campaign until management deals with them in a reasonable manner.” A solidarity fund has been launched by the SIPTU Manufacturing Division to provide support for the striking workers. SIPTU Organiser, Rhonda Donaghy said: “While the dispute has been maintained as a two days a week work stoppage the employer has exacerbated the financial problems for the strikers by also reducing their rostered hours. “In order to assist in supporting the workers and their families during this challenging period a support fund has been established." Those wishing to contribute to the Milne Strikers Support Fund should contact the SIPTU Manufacturing Division, Liberty Hall, Dublin 1.