The National Homeless and Housing Coalition has broadly welcomed elements of the Government’s Action Plan for Housing which was published today (Tuesday, 19th July). However, the Coalition will be examining it closely to ensure it has the capacity to achieve the speed and scale of housing delivery that is required to address the current crisis. SIPTU National Campaigns and Equality Organiser, Karan O’Loughlin, said: “This is a comprehensive report. Over the coming days we will be studying it in detail to ascertain its capacity to deliver a public housing programme capable of ending the housing and homelessness crisis.” She added: “It is clear that the over-reliance on the private market and off-balance sheet approaches to housing provision have failed to deliver thus far. The detail regarding how the new public housing provision programme is going to be funded, and whether an easing of the EU fiscal rules is required is key to finding a solution to the current crisis.” IMPACT National Projects Organiser, Joe O’Connor, said: “The increase in social housing provision announced today is a welcome development. However, concerns remain regarding the emphasis placed on the private market over direct State intervention in delivering this provision. “It is also crucial that as well as addressing the current supply crisis, we take steps to ensure a more stable and affordable housing market into the future for our citizens. This can only be done through robust measures to ensure greater security of tenure as well as the introduction of an indexation system of rent regulation similar to those which operate successfully in many other European countries.” The National Homeless and Housing Coalition is supported by leading housing charities, trade unions, community action groups and political parties.
National Homeless and Housing Coalition to examine Government Action Plan for Housing
Jul 19, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2015