The Old Darnley Lodge workers are ending their sit-in at the hotel in Athboy, Co. Meath, on Friday, 8th March, at 11.30 a.m., following the payment of their redundancy entitlements. Old Darnley Lodge SIPTU Shop Steward, Eileen Quinn, said: “The workers are happy that they can end the sit-in with their heads held high after securing the payment of their redundancy entitlements and a commitment from the State’s insolvency fund that all other monies owed to them will be paid in the coming days.“While the workers protest has been a success in terms of securing its aim, of the full payment of the monies owed to them, it is unacceptable that in order to vindicate our rights such action was necessary. This victory would not have been possible without the tremendous support of the local community and the workers wish to express their sincere gratitude.”SIPTU Organiser, Martin Mannion, said: “The Old Darnley Lodge workers commenced their sit-in following the sudden closure of the hotel on Wednesday, 16th January. The management of the hotel gave only one hour’s notice before its closure and could not be contacted to discuss the workers' statutory entitlements.“The workers did not take such treatment lying down and their sit-in has resulted in the speedy processing of their redundancy entitlements and a firm commitment that all other monies owned to them, including pay in lieu of notice and outstanding holiday pay will be paid under the Insolvency Payments Scheme in the coming days.”The hotel employed around 15 full-time and 30 part-time and casual staff, the majority of whom are SIPTU members.