Workers in the Old Darnley Lodge voted unanimously last night (Thursday, 7th February) to continue their sit-in at the hotel in Athboy, Co. Meath, until all have received the statutory entitlements, including redundancy pay, holiday pay and hours owed, due to them. SIPTU Organiser, Martin Mannion, said: “The workers are now in the fourth week of their sit-in. Following a creditors meeting on Tuesday (5th February) the hotel’s management company, Mitrespor Ltd, was formally placed into liquidation. The workers’ applications for redundancy are now with the Department of Social Protection.“However, the 35 workers who attended last night’s general meeting voted unanimously to maintain their protest in order to ensure the monies owned to them are paid promptly and in full. The union fully supports the workers' decision.”Old Darnley Lodge SIPTU Shop Steward, Eileen Quinn, said: “The manner in which we, the workers, and the local community which depends on this hotel have been treated is completely unacceptable. The workers would be foolish to trust any commitments they have been given in relation to the monies they are owed until these commitments are actually fulfilled. For that reason we voted unanimously to continue our sit-in."She added that the workers were also very appreciative of the support they had received from the local community "without which we could not continue the protest."The workers commenced their sit-in following the sudden closure of the hotel on Wednesday, 16th January. The management of the hotel gave only one hour’s notice before its closure and since then has been uncontactable to discuss the workers' statutory entitlements. Accountants have been appointed to oversee the liquidation of Mitrespor Ltd, the hotel’s management company. A creditors meeting, which was attended by the workers, was held in the Cavan Crystal Hotel on Tuesday, 5th February.The hotel employs approximately 15 full-time and 30 part-time and casual staff, the majority of whom are SIPTU members.