Today Paris Bakery workers will hold a rally with supporters outside the Dáil calling on the Taoiseach Enda Kenny to urgently intervene in their worsening situation. The workers are entering their 13th day of their Moore Street sit-in and are owed over €100,000 in wages, holiday pay and redundancy pay. Anissa Hosany a chef with the bakery for over 3.5 years said “The reason we began this sit-in was to get the money we are owed and make sure no more assets were removed by the owners. We feel like we are doing the job of the Revenue Commissioners, minding the assets of the company.” Eduard Claihnet another worker said, “We are asking the Taoiseach to tell us how long the Government expects us to act on their behalf without stepping in. I want to go home, I want to sleep in my bed and not have the stress of this hanging over me”. Eduard continued “We want Yannick Forel and Ruth Savill to either pay us the wages we earned or agree in writing to wind up the company properly so we can access the insolvency fund. It is that simple.” The Paris Bakery workers are also calling on Enda Kenny to immediately change the law “this shouldn’t happen to any worker. The Insolvency Payment Scheme should be immediately accessible to all workers to protect them in cases where employers cease trading without formally winding up the business,” concluded Ms Hosany.
On day 13 of sit-in Paris Bakery workers call on Taoiseach to take decisive action
May 16, 2024 | Archives, NewsArchive, NewsArchive2014