The RTÉ Trade Union Group (TUG) has called on management to implement the recommendations of the Gender Pay Review of the station by Kieran Mulvey, which was published today (Wednesday, 1st November). The TUG Executive will review the comprehensive report which has signifcant implications for all union members in RTÉ. The TUG calls on RTÉ to implement its recommendations with particular reference to greater transparency and consistency in the area of recruitment, appointments and promotions. The TUG has long believed that RTÉ needs to operate more transparently in the area of recruitment and promotion. While the Report shows that RTÉ compares favourably to many other state agencies and organisations, Mulvey has identified anomalies in relation to gender pay differentials in some sections of the organisation which will need to be addressed.The TUG Executive has already agreed to establish an Equality Working Group to advise on the development of strategies to promote greater equality and diversity in the organisation. The work of this group will be greatly assisted by the Gender Pay Review.The issue of employment contracts and the variety of employment relationships in the organisation has dominated the work of the TUG over many years. In this regard the TUG welcomes the strong commitment of the Director General to urgently review those practices. The TUG has secured a commitment that it will be directly involved in the drafting of the Terms of Reference for this review.The TUG Chair, Shirley Bradshaw, said: “In the coming months RTÉ faces many challenges. We look forward to working collaboratively with management to address the issues identified by Mulvey.“We are also aware that the report was, by definition, restricted by the Terms of Reference and the TUG will continue to progress issues not covered in the report. The report was commissioned by RTÉ management, which drafted its terms of reference without prior consultation with the unions.”She added: “Any trade union member who believes that they are being unfairly treated in any way is welcome to contact the TUG or their union. We would encourage colleagues who are not members to join their relevant union”.