Sinn Féin MEP for Dublin, Lynn Boylan, visited locked out Greyhound workers at their picket line outside the Greyhound Recycling and Recovery headquarters in Crag Avenue, Clondalkin, west Dublin, today (Thursday, 7th August). Lynn Boylan was among a Sinn Féin delegation visiting the picket line, which included Dublin North West TD, Dessie Ellis, and local councillors.Lynn Boylan said: “The privatisation of the waste industry has been a disaster for workers, for customers and for the environment. There must now be ministerial intervention in this escalating dispute and the Greyhound owners, the Buckley brothers, must use the industrial relations mechanisms available to them and end the lockout of these workers immediately”.She added: “The Government must set up an investigation into the waste industry immediately and that investigation must include a look at the possibility of returning waste collection to the public service”.SIPTU Greyhound Shop Steward, Jesse Hughes, said: “We really appreciate the support of Lynn Boylan MEP and her Sinn Féin colleagues. The Buckley brothers thought they could starve us into submission.“However, the support that we have received from community activists, trade unionists and ordinary workers has given us the resolve to continue until the company realises it cannot treat workers as if it was 1913”.The workers have been locked out at the waste disposal company since 17th June. Management at the company is attempting to force workers to accept wage cuts of up to 35% and has employed strikebreakers to carry out waste collections during the dispute. SIPTU has 78 members in the company which has a contract to collect household waste for Dublin City Council.