A meeting of SIPTU and TEEU shop stewards at Roadstone Woods Ltd. condemned the bully boy tactics of the company management following its threat to close some of its operations and to place all employees on protective notice. SIPTU Organiser, Davy Lane said: “These tactics are designed to strike fear into workers who had no choice but to place pickets on their workplace locations due to the management’s insistence in taking €10 million from payroll costs. “This is against the background of the directors of Cement Roadstone Holdings receiving massive bonuses on reaching targets which inflict financial hardship on the ordinary worker in Roadstone Woods Ltd.” The shop stewards expressed gratitude to members of the haulier associations for respecting and refusing to pass union pickets at Roadstone operations across the country. They also said they were grateful to members of the general public who have shown great support for the workers in dispute. “The Roadstone workers will remain on strike until such time as a satisfactory resolution is achieved. The shop stewards also made it clear that they are available for negotiations either directly with the management, the Labour Relations Commission or whatever other mechanism the management wishes to avail of. It is a matter for management if it wishes to enter into talks but it must adopt a realistic approach,” Davy Lane said.