SIPTU has written to Ervia, the parent company of Irish Water, demanding to know why the projected €7 billion cost of winding up Irish Water, reported in the media today (Wednesday, 2nd March), was not made known to the public prior to the general election. Secretary of the Group of Unions at Ervia, Adrian Kane, said: “In our letter to the CEO of Ervin we ask on behalf of SIPTU members to know when the information on the wind up costs of Irish Water became known to the company and why this information was not disclosed prior to the general election. Staff at Irish Water are tired of having their livelihoods completely ignored in the debate about the future of the company.” He added: “That the cost of winding up Irish Water would amount to up to €7 billion is crucial to an informed debate on its future. This sum amounts to about two-thirds of the money that will be available for re-building the public health service, developing the education system and funding a major public housing programme, if the economy grows, in accordance with projections, over the next five years.” In the letter, SIPTU calls upon the company to guarantee the existing terms and conditions of Irish water workers. It also states that the union will oppose any forced redundancies across the Ervia group.
SIPTU asks why cost of closing Irish Water not publicised prior to General Election
Mar 2, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2016