SIPTU has called on the management of Energizer Ireland Ltd and the employers’ organisation, IBEC, to respect workers’ rights by attending an early meeting of the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) to discuss redundancies at the company. SIPTU Organiser, Michelle Quinn, said: “Since announcing in late May that the company would be making all its distribution staff at its offices in Portobello in Dublin redundant, Energizer management has repeatedly refused to confirm an early date to meet worker representatives at the LRC.“The union wishes to discuss the terms of a redundancy package for the 14 workers who are losing their jobs, some with nearly 40 years of service. The redundancy package which has been offered by the company, of statutory redundancy plus three weeks per year of service capped at 18 months, is derisory when the long service of many of the workers is taken into account.”She added: “The LRC has offered numerous dates between 12th July and the end of the August to hold a conciliation conference between representatives of the company and workers. Management and IBEC have stated that that they are unable to attend on any date prior to the 29th August, due to annual leave, by which time the vast majority of the workers will already have lost their jobs.“SIPTU is now calling on management and their advisors in IBEC to treat the workers with the respect they deserve and attend the LRC in a timely fashion so that a fair redundancy package can be negotiated.”