SIPTU has called on the Irish Hotels Federation to accept workers have a right to decent conditions of employment which can only be protected by the reinstatement of the Joint Labour Committee (JLC) for the sector. SIPTU Organiser Denis Hynes said: “Claims by the Irish Hotels Federation president, Michael Vaughan, that the JLC system was costing jobs are both untrue and offensive.“Studies undertaken by the leading independent researchers have repeatedly shown that the fair implementation of Joint Labour Committee agreements does not cost jobs, but rather creates decent working environments and is good for the wider economy as it provides more money for low paid workers to spend.”Denis Hynes added: “This is not the first time, nor do I expect it will be the last, that the Irish Hotels Federation and its representatives have sought to attack workers' conditions of employment. However, SIPTU members will maintain their determination to ensure that decent working conditions are enforced throughout the hospitality sector through campaigns such as Fair Hotels and by ensuring the JLC system is reinstated and strengthened.”On Friday 1st March, SIPTU members presented the union’s submission to the Labour Court review of the JLC system. This review is scheduled to be completed by the end of April and follows a High Court ruling last year that the constitutional basis of the JLC system needed to be reassessed.Michael Vaughan made his claims about the JLC system at the Irish Hotel Federation’s annual conference in Killarney, Co. Kerry, earlier this week,