SIPTU has called upon the owners of a convenience store in Ardnaree, Ballina, County Mayo, to respect an Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) ruling and pay eight former employees the monies they are owed. SIPTU Organiser, Robert Purfield, said: “These SIPTU members lost their jobs in the convenience store in Ardnaree over two years ago. They were let go without being paid their redundancy entitlements in relation to their period of notice. At the same time the shop changed from being a SPAR franchise into an independent retailer but its owners remained the same.“The EAT has ruled that the workers are owed in total approximately €12,000. SIPTU representatives have made a number of attempts to contact the owners in order to organise the payment of what the workers are owed. They have not responded to our letters and also failed to attend the EAT hearing.”Purfield added: “This is no way to treat a group of local workers who provided loyal service to their employers. We are calling on the shop's owners to show a degree of respect to their former employees and pay them what they are owed immediately. If the situation is not resolved, the workers intend to mount a campaign to highlight their unfair treatment.”