SIPTU representatives have called on senior management at Coca-Cola to reconsider its decision to close its facility in Athy, County Kildare, with the loss of all jobs, which was announced earlier this month. The company said it had taken the decision following a review of its concentrate manufacturing, with production being transferred to its facility in Ballina, County Mayo. SIPTU representatives and the company are currently engaged in a local level agreed consultation process, in which all options to save the jobs at the plant are being considered. SIPTU Organiser, Terry Bryan, said; “This situation is very worrying for the workers involved and their families. We are calling on the senior management of the company to reconsider the decision and we challenge both the rationale and reasoning for the proposed job losses. It is a decision our members are not prepared to accept.” Senior SIPTU shop steward, Paul Walsh, said; “Our members are in complete shock at this news. The Government and state agencies, at local and national level, need to put their combined efforts together to convince senior Coca-Cola management to reverse the decision and keep the jobs in Athy.” He added: “Athy will be badly affected if this closure goes ahead and the prospect of I or my work colleagues finding alternative work in the area is bleak.” A total of 95 jobs, both permanent and temporary, will be lost, if the plant closes. In addition to the direct impact of the proposed closure, indirect support services and ancillary jobs will also be lost, which will have a major adverse impact on the local economy.
SIPTU calls on senior management at Coca-Cola to reverse decision to close Athy plant
May 17, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018