SIPTU representatives are seeking an urgent meeting with the construction company, John Sisk and Son, to seek clarification on the workers who will be included in a once off €1,000 cost of living payment which it announced today (Tuesday, 27th September). SIPTU TEAC Division Organiser, Karan O Loughlin, said: “The worsening cost of living crisis is affecting all workers. The decision of Sisk to assist its employees with this payment is a positive move. However, all those employed on projects managed by the construction firm should be equally rewarded for their service which contributes to the success of this company.” She added: “We are seeking an urgent meeting with the management of Sisk to ensure that this payment will be made to all grades of worker, including general construction operatives, who work on Sisk sites. Many of these workers are directly managed by Sisk but employed through agencies and these workers should also benefit from this payment.”
SIPTU calls on Sisk to ensure cost of living payment goes to all on-site workers
Sep 27, 2022 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2022