SIPTU has condemned the treatment of workers at the G&K (Gurranbraher and Knocknaheeney) Community Training Centre, Cork, who have been denied their redundancy entitlements and access to personal possessions. The staff were told without any prior notice they were losing their jobs with immediate effect on Tuesday (25th February). The workers were informed by the Board of Management of the Training Centre that they would receive payment and access to the facility today (Friday, 28th February). However, when they arrived at the Centre at 2.00 p.m. they were informed that they would not be allowed access and had to meet the financial controller of the Centre in a local pub at 3.00 p.m.SIPTU Organiser, Sharon Cregan, said: “These workers have been treated abhorrently. The staff were told they were losing their jobs with immediate effect on Tuesday (25th February). They were advised to come to the centre today between 2.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. to collect their personal belongings and also to receive their termination papers.“When they arrived they were refused entry and told by that they have to make an appointment next week to collect their personal belongings. They have also been informed they will not receive their full redundancy entitlements as in line with national agreements.”She added: “The workers, including two who are heavily pregnant, have been treated in an unacceptable manner. This facility, which has been open since 1982, was completely State funded through FÁS and the Department of Social Protection. SIPTU is calling upon the Board of Management, which includes a local Garda, a retired school principal and a clergyman, to ensure these workers are treated with respect.”SIPTU represents seven staff in Administration and Instructor grades at the Centre.