SIPTU members are attending a protest outside the City of Dublin Youth Services Board (CDYSB) office, Morehampton Road, Dublin 4, tomorrow (Friday, 1st March) at 10.00 a.m. to demand the reversal of cuts imposed on youth projects in the city. The CDYSB imposed cuts, amounting to €600,000, target youth projects in Ballyfermot, Ballymun, Coolock/Darndale, Finglas, the North East and the North West Inner City. The cuts vary from 2% to 11% in the budgets of the projects targeted.SIPTU Organiser, Karen Smollen, said: “Projects have been given until Friday, 1st March, to implement these draconian cuts. These cuts will result in job losses and the ending of courses that are being provided to vulnerable communities.“There could be up to 70 youth projects and potentially up to 200 youth clubs and groups affected by this cut in funding. These cuts will once again see working class communities in the city hit the hardest”.Ashling Golden, a youth worker in the SWAN youth centre, Dublin 1, said: “Youth services provide a vital safety net for vulnerable young people in many communities. These cuts will lead to a reduction in the numbers of professional staff in the service, which will result in some projects closing and a reduction in the effectiveness of others.“These cuts are an attack on the future of communities that are already suffering the worst consequences of the economic recession.”