SIPTU Dublin Bus drivers have voted by 72% to 28% against taking strike action in opposition to the implementation of a cost-savings plan. Counting of the ballots by the drivers was completed in Liberty Hall this evening. SIPTU Organiser, John Murphy, said: “The acceptance of the cost reduction proposals by a majority of their colleagues in previous ballots indicated to bus drivers that any strike action would not have the level of unity and support which would be required to successfully fend off the proposed cuts. “SIPTU members employed by Dublin Bus have fought against the continuing cuts to their employment conditions and will continue this battle in the face of Government proposals to further undermine them.”He added: “Increases in fares, the continued lowering of the State subvention and proposals to privatise routes are leading to the lowering of workers conditions of employment and damaging the transport service to the public. SIPTU bus drivers recognise that a united work force, with public support, is required to successfully combat these moves.”The dispute over cost-saving plans at the company led to a three-day strike at the company in August following an attempt by management to implement changes to work practices without agreement.An amended set of Labour Court proposals was accepted by all other grades of Dublin Bus workers in a ballot held in September. However, bus drivers voted against them. Following this vote ICTU and IBEC appointed former SIPTU National Organiser, Noel Dowling, and management consultant, Ultan Courtney, to investigate how a Labour Court recommendation on cost cutting measures at the company could be progressed.