A general meeting attended by over 130 SIPTU Fire Fighters took place on Monday, 18th February, in Liberty Hall, Dublin. The meeting provided members with an opportunity to receive a detailed briefing from SIPTU Vice-President Patricia King (the union’s lead negotiator in the talks) and also to discuss issues and concerns relating to Fire Fighters. “The meeting provided us with an opportunity to engage directly with our members and appraise them in some detail of the current state of play in the talks away from the ongoing media speculation”, she said. “Our Fire Fighter members were able to raise their direct interests and concerns with us, which we intend to ensure are fully reflected in these talks.“SIPTU is committed to seeking an agreement, but only one based on equity and fairness. Ultimately all workers’ interests are best served by trade union unity.”SIPTU represents 530 out of 850 Fire Fighters in Dublin Fire Brigade.