SIPTU full-time firefighter members and their supporters marched in Galway City from Galway Fire Station, Father Griffin Road, to County Hall, Prospect Hill, this morning (Friday, 28th July), to hand in a letter demanding a meeting with senior management. More than 50 firefighters and their supporters took part in the march which demanded management engage in regular meetings with the workers to discuss a number of outstanding industrial relations concerns. SIPTU Organiser, Gerry Harris, said: “The letter handed into County Hall calls on Galway County Council to meet with and constructively engage with our members in respect of a number of outstanding industrial relations issues. Our members are extremely frustrated at the current situation whereby their issues are not being addressed by management in a timely fashion, which has led to a deteriorating industrial relations situation.” SIPTU Sector Organiser, Brendan O’Brien, said: “SIPTU full-time firefighters in County Galway have sought engagement on a number of industrial relations issues but there has not been any meaningful response from management. It is not acceptable that our members, who provide a critical life-saving emergency service to the public, would be treated so poorly by their employer. “In the event that management continues to fail to engage constructively with our members through the normal industrial relations procedures, our members will be left with no option other than initiating a ballot for industrial and strike action.