SIPTU is calling for the public to support a protest by members of the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) Ambulance Service which will take place outside City Hall in Dublin this evening (Monday, 7th April) at 5.30 p.m. SIPTU Dublin Fire Brigade Convener, Gerry Harris, said: “This protest is about highlighting the threat to the DFB Ambulance Service. SIPTU members are extremely concerned at the contents of a document drawn up by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in March 2013 which proposes to remove the delivery of Dublin's ambulance service from DFB, by 2015. “SIPTU has called for a fully independent review of the service to include agreed terms of reference, stakeholder representation and persons with fire based emergency medical experience.” He added: “For over 100 years the DFB has provided an ambulance service which has strived to provide the best outcomes possible to the people of Dublin. The success of the service has resulted in it being replicated by fire services internationally with shared fire/ambulance services being established throughout the UK, Europe and North America." Firefighters will attend the demonstration in full dress uniform and accompanied by colourful banners calling on the public to save the DFB Ambulance Service.