SIPTU full-time firefighters will resist any attempt to reduce crew numbers on fire appliances and have committed to supporting their colleagues in the retained fire service in their campaign of opposition to this change. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Brendan O’Brien, said: “The SIPTU National Fulltime Fire Services Committee has passed a motion authorising its members to resist any attempts by management to implement crewing reductions which could impact on the safety of firefighters and the public.“The motion also supports the position taken last week by the SIPTU retained firefighters to ballot for industrial action in order to resist crewing reductions which the Department of the Environment is seeking to implement under its Keeping Communities Safe plan. The Committee believes these changes would jeopardise the safety of both firefighters and the public.”He added: “In seeking to implement crew reductions, the Department appears to be authorising fire services to unilaterally breach national agreements, including the Code of Practice for Emergency Services, by attempting to force through changes without prior consultation with the workers’ union or carrying out the relevant risk assessments.“Both the members of the fulltime and retained fire services are committed to resisting this reckless action by the Department. SIPTU is also reiterating its call on the Minster for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Alan Kelly, to direct his Department to abide by the national agreements that govern the fire service.”