SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, has stated that the struggle of Dunnes Stores workers for decent jobs and against low hour contracts is one that is critical to the defence of the living standards of all workers in Ireland. This afternoon, Jack O’Connor visited picket lines outside Dunnes Stores in Dublin City centre to show his solidarity with the over 5,000 members of the Mandate trade union who are on strike today.He said: “The Dunnes Stores workers’ struggle to end the use of low hour contracts and the right to collectively bargain with their employer is of importance to every working person in this country. These workers are fighting against a race to the bottom which all working people in Ireland are facing.“The conditions which Dunnes Stores has forced it’s workers to endure, of not knowing how many hours of work they have or what their wage packet will be each week makes it impossible for them to organise their lives with any degree of certainty. Such precarious working conditions are completely unacceptable.”SIPTU Services Division Organiser, John King, said: “These workers have been treated with complete disregard by their employer. Therefore, they have been left with no option but to strike in order that their demand for fair treatment be heard. All workers in Ireland should stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with these workers in their principled stand in defence of what is right and fair.”SIPTU represents over 300 Dunnes Stores workers who are also in dispute with the company concerning the imposition of low hour contracts. Dunnes Stores and SIPTU have been invited to attend a Labour Court hearing on Thursday, 9th April, in relation to the dispute.
SIPTU General President calls for all workers to support Dunnes Stores strikers
Apr 2, 2015 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2015