SIPTU members at NUI Galway met with the Minister for Education, Jan O’Sullivan, this morning (Wednesday, 15th July) to discuss their demand for an independent taskforce to investigate gender discrimination in the university. The delegation included SIPTU representatives of academic, technical and administration staff and SIPTU Organisers.SIPTU Education Sector Organiser, Louise O’Reilly, said: “Following a number of high profile cases of confirmed and alleged discrimination at NUI Galway the management of the institute has established a task force to investigate.“However, this group was chosen by a university management team which must bear some responsibility for the avoidable discrimination problems which have plagued the institution. As such it is unacceptable to our members who wish to see the establishment of a fully independent inquiry team to investigate the situation.”She added: “It was made clear to the Minister that only such and clearly independent investigation would have the confidence of our members.”