The proposals which emerged from discussions at the Labour Relations Commission to resolve the issues at the centre of the dispute at Bus Eireann will now be put to a nationwide ballot of SIPTU members in the coming days. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone said: “The overall financial burden on the workers we represent has been reduced following the LRC discussions while members of senior management at the company will now for the first time have to give a real financial contribution to assist with the recovery of its finances.“However, workers across all grades are still facing severe changes to their pay and conditions. Many of the issues of concern such as ensuring that cuts come from the top at Bus Éireann, that a degree equity is introduced and that those who work unsocial hours continue to have that recognised by having their shift premiums restored and protected have been addressed.“The restoration of some annual leave entitlements is also included in the proposals. A crucial element ensures that all terms of pay and conditions of employment that currently exist will be restored on 1st January 2015 if these proposals are accepted.”Plans to ballot members at the sister companies, Dublin Bus and Irish Rail, have been deferred. Prior to the emergence of the LRC proposals, members at Bus Éireann voted by 80% in favour of strike action, Willie Noone said.