SIPTU members, directly employed by the Football Association of Ireland (FAI), have given their full support for the call by members of the women’s national football team for management to engage with their representatives concerning a range of issues which are adversely affecting their performance. SIPTU Organiser, Denis Hynes, said: “At a meeting this afternoon (Tuesday, 4th April) in Dublin, SIPTU members who are directly employed by the FAI stated that they wished to make a public statement outlining their full support for the stance taken by members of the women’s national football team at a press conference in Liberty Hall this morning. “They fully back the players in their call for improved conditions and for the FAI to engage with their representative organisation, the Professional Footballers Association of Ireland (PFAI). The workers believe the players have taken a courageous step in making their concerns public and wish it to be known that they admire the stand they have taken.” He added: “Staff directly employed by the FAI have their own ongoing issues with the Association regarding the restoration of their pay and conditions of employment. In some cases, employees are still enduring a 12% reduction in salary, which was implemented on what was meant to be a temporary basis in 2012.” SIPTU represents staff employed as development officers, as coaches and in the administration of the FAI.
SIPTU members employed by the FAI give full support for Women’s National Team
Apr 4, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017