SIPTU members in Irish Rail have voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action in a dispute which results from a refusal by management at the State transport company to accept a reasonable pay claim by staff. SIPTU members voted by 84% in favour of industrial action in a ballot that was counted today (Friday, 20th October) in Liberty Hall. SIPTU TEAC Division Organiser, Greg Ennis, said: “SIPTU representatives will meet with officials of the four other trade unions in the Irish Rail Group of Unions this afternoon at 2.30 p.m. to agree a campaign of targeted industrial action. “It was always only as a last resort that our 1,900 members in Irish Rail said that they would initiate industrial action. However, due to the intransigent and combative attitude displayed by management over recent weeks, they have no alternative. This was particularly evident before the break down of talks in the Workplace Relations Commission, last night.”
SIPTU members in Irish Rail vote overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action
Oct 20, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017