SIPTU members in Roadstone Woods Ltd have accepted a Labour Court Recommendation and concluded a three week strike at the building materials company. SIPTU Organiser, Davy Lane, said: “SIPTU members in Roadstone Woods Ltd voted on Tuesday (8th July) evening to accept a Labour Court Recommendation that emerged following talks between the company and union representatives last week.“The implementation of this recommendation will bring to an end a long period of uncertainty for workers at the company which began in 2011. SIPTU members faced great uncertainty during this period not knowing if the bonus payments due to them would be hounoured by management. The Labour Court Recommendation sets out a phased period over which the bonus payment will be restored.”He added: “SIPTU members can now move forward knowing that in the next three years they will receive payments and at the end of this period the full bonus will be paid. SIPTU members would like to thank the members of the TEEU who stood by them throughout the process and joined them on the picket lines. They also thank the hauliers who refused to pass the pickets lines.”The strike by SIPTU members at Roadstone Woods Ltd facilities began on Monday, 16th June.