SIPTU members in the Irish Society for Autism (ISA) have today (Wednesday, 6th June) confirmed that they have secured in excess of €400,000 owed to them as part of the wider process of pay restoration for workers in the health service. The agreement, brokered by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC), provides 70 SIPTU members working in the Section 39 organisation, with all outstanding monies owed to them under the Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA). It also reverses the cuts imposed on them by the Health Service Executive (HSE) under the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act (FEMPI). SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “Our members’ persistence and courage secured the payments due to them, including increments and sleepover pay. They knew the established link between public sector pay scales and Section 39 organisations funded by the Health Service Executive (HSE) would stand up to scrutiny. Their position is now vindicated and I would urge all Section 39 employers, who participated in the HSE Audit of Section 39 organisations, to engage now with the WRC and start the process of pay restoration for the thousands of Section 39 workers in line with their colleagues who are doing the same job for the HSE.” SIPTU Organiser, John Hubbard, said: “Our members in ISA have persistently agitated and campaigned for pay justice while ensuring that vulnerable residents in their care were not negatively impacted upon. Crucially, our members engaged with service users’ families and the local community in Johnstown Bridge, County Kildare. In doing so, our members secured the backing of the community and with their support secured a successful conclusion to this campaign.” SIPTU ISA Shop Steward, Robbie Maloney, said: “The success of this campaign clearly demonstrates that Section 39 organisations can make a significant contribution to pay restoration when workers stand together, say enough is enough, and take action.”
SIPTU members in the Irish Society for Autism win over €400,000 in pay restoration
Jun 6, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018