SIPTU members employed at Killarney Golf Club, Co. Kerry, have said they will fight a management attempt to make 24 workers redundant despite an ongoing Labour Court process aimed at saving jobs at the business. On Wednesday (10th April) management served notice of redundancy on the workers even though a Labour Court hearing had been set for Monday, 29th April, to discuss ways of minimising job losses at the prestigious golf venue.SIPTU Sector Organiser, Dennis Hynes, said: “The management of Killarney Golf Club has acted in a callous manner in trying to impose job losses without negotiation. The workers believe the aggressive behaviour of management in seeking to impose unnecessary redundancies and massive wage cuts is due to the influence of an outside consultant hired to advise the club on restructuring. Workers are particularly angered that this consultant’s approach is being adopted by a business whose majority shareholder is the State agency, Fáilte Ireland.”SIPTU representatives will meet with workers on Thursday (18th April) to discuss what action will be taken to defend jobs at the Club.Dennis Hynes said: “A ballot for strike action is a strong possibility. Workers have already agreed to a wage cut and are willing to enter into talks with management on other changes. However, these talks must be based on reality rather than the exaggerated claims that are being made by management in relation to the financial situation of the club."Last year, the union referred the dispute at the Killarney Golf Club to the Labour Relations Commission (LRC). This year the matter was referred to the Labour Court. As part of the LRC process the union engaged an independent assessor to evaluate the club’s financial position.Dennis Hynes said: “The assessor’s report indicated that management had greatly exaggerated the financial difficulties of the club. The report concluded that a degree of restructuring and some job losses were necessary to ensure the business’s profitability rather than the 35% pay cut and enforced redundancy of the majority of staff which is being sought by management.”