SIPTU members at the Bose plant in Carrickmacross, county Monaghan, have welcomed an agreement by management to extend its proposed closure by two months until June this year. At a meeting with company representatives from the US and Ireland today it was agreed that the closure will be postponed while talks continue on acceptable redundancy terms and other issues. The SIPTU representatives will also meet with the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, in Monaghan tomorrow to discuss alternative employment opportunities for the 140 workers who will lose their jobs following the closure of the Bose plant.SIPTU Organiser, Jim McVeigh, said: “We welcome the agreement by the company to delay the proposed closure while other opportunities are examined by all of those concerned including the Minister and the agencies responsible for finding alternative employment.“The closure of this plant, which has been in Carrickmacross since 1978, is devastating for our members, a dedicated and skilled workforce, and for the town and surrounding areas in county Monaghan.”