The national officers of SIPTU will be taking a further pay reduction in line with the proposals which have emerged from discussions on the Croke Park (Public Service) Agreement. In a statement today (Tuesday 26th February), SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, Vice-President, Patricia King, and General Secretary, Joe O’Flynn said:“It is our view that people on higher incomes should have made a contribution through taxation in Budget 2013. We have specifically argued for a levy on those earning in excess of €100,000 per annum.We had intended to declare our intention to take a further pay reduction on the basis that everyone on higher rates of pay should be contributing more through taxation but decided to await the outcome of the public service talks. We will be taking the pay reduction as per the proposals in the document prepared by the Labour Relations Commission. Once again, we reiterate our view that the proper way to secure a contribution from everyone on higher incomes should be through progressive taxation and should not be just imposed on people working in the public service.”Remuneration in SIPTU has not been related to public service rates for more than 20 years.