Many SIPTU pensioners were among the several thousand people who gathered outside the Dáil this afternoon (Tuesday, 22nd October) to protest against a series of cuts in Budget 2014 which target the elderly and young. Among those who addressed the rally, called by the Senior Citizens Parliament, was SIPTU Retired Members Section secretary, Paddy Moran.He condemned the withdrawal of the senior citizen telephone allowance, increase in prescription charges, ending of the bereavement grant and threat to withdraw the medical card from some over 70s.Paddy Moran called on those affected by the Government cuts to draw upon the example of the 1913 LockoutHe said: “One hundred years ago in this city some of its citizens were battered and starved and in some cases lost their lives in the struggle for a decent standard of living for their loved ones.We here today are the advocates for our generation and we owe it to the memory of those brave people of 1913 to ensure that the vulnerable people in today’s society have a reasonable standard of living and the right to a dignified existence in their remaining years.”Also addressing the crowd was SIPTU pensioner, Seamus Rodgers, who travelled from Donegal to call on the Government to reverse its decision to target allowances and payments to the elderly in Budget 2014.Many campaign groups and non-governmental organisations supported the rally which began at 1.15 p.m. and concluded at 2.00 p.m.