SIPTU construction sector representatives have today (Tuesday, 18th December) expressed concerns that the National Children’s Hospital could need additional money to complete the project. They also voiced their disappointment that the notion of possible knock-on negative implications to other construction projects has been floated by the Government. SIPTU Construction Sector Chairman, Eddie Gunnery, said: “While costs have increased, construction workers’ terms and conditions have certainly not been a contributing factor to this reported overspend. In fact, at best, most construction workers are only receiving the legal minimum payments negotiated under a Sectoral Employment Order.” SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Regan, said: “In light of the possible estimated costs running into €1.4bn we are calling on the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to confirm that any additional costs or overspend is not down to the workers. What is needed is more vigilance in the procurement process to ensure taxpayers are protected and that vital projects like the National Children’s Hospital are on budget.”
SIPTU representatives express concern over National Children’s Hospital overspend
Dec 18, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018