SIPTU representatives are seeking an urgent meeting with Aer Lingus management following an announcement this morning (Thursday, 12th February) that up to 80 jobs are under threat in the company’s supply chain and catering sections. SIPTU Organiser, Karl Byrne, said: “SIPTU representatives are seeking immediate engagement with the company to ensure that there is no compulsory redundancies and that any impact on job numbers is minimised. “The company has stated that between 60 and 80 less workers are required for the upcoming summer schedule. This includes roles that are presently being advertised for this period. We believe following discussions with management this number can be reduced. He added: “We will not accept any compulsory redundancies and will be demanding all avenues, including redeployment to other areas of operation, are examined. We believe this course could be very fruitful considering the company is presently advertising for roles in other areas of its operation in Dublin.”