SIPTU has requested an urgent meeting with the liquidator of Berehaven Credit Union to discuss the redundancy terms of staff members who have lost their jobs after the High Court granted an application by the Central Bank to wind up the financial institution yesterday (Wednesday, 23rd July). SIPTU Organiser, Paula O’Loughlin, said: “The staff were advised on Wednesday afternoon the credit union would cease trading and that liquidators BDO Limted had been appointed. This followed a period of great uncertainty for the staff who have lost their jobs as a result of the decisions and practices of others”.She added: “Staff were advised following a meeting with BDO Ltd that salaries, holiday pay and other outstanding entitlements as wellas statutory redundancy will be paid. SIPTU has made contact with the liquidators to arrange an immediate meeting to ensure that these commitments are followed through in their entirety. Berehaven Credit Union had been serving the local, primarily fishing, community since 1978 and its closure in these circumstances is greatly regretted by the staff.”SIPTU represents five members of staff at the Berehaven Credit Union.