SIPTU has stated its support for the announcement today (Tuesday, 11th August) by the Minister for Business and Employment, Ged Nash, that a Forum on the Living Wage will be held in Dublin Castle on Wednesday, 30th September. SIPTU Division Organiser, John King, said: “SIPTU supports the decision to hold this forum for employers, trade unions, workers, civil society groups and other interested parties to discuss how a Living Wage can be introduced in more workplaces in Ireland.“Our union has long been an advocate of the Living Wage campaign. We believe that the payment of a Living Wage to workers is one of the best ways of ensuring that people throughout society benefit from the improving economy and can play their full role in it.“SIPTU participates in the Living Wage Technical Group which has established that a Living Wage for workers in Ireland is €11.50 per hour. We are pleased that Minister Nash has indicated that the Government endorses this figure and has clearly stated that its payment benefits businesses as well as lower paid workers.”He added: “SIPTU representatives will attend the Forum in order to advance the case for a Living Wage. It is hoped that it will mark the beginning of a major campaign to establish the payment of the Living Wage to lower paid workers as the target of not only unions but also progressive employers across the Irish economy.”A Living Wage is an independently assessed and agreed measure of the income necessary to meet basic needs including housing, food, utilities, clothing, transport, health care and minimal recreation.Representatives from Living Wage campaigns in London and Scotland are scheduled to address the Forum alongside representatives of large UK businesses who will explain why payment of a Living Wage also benefits employers.