SIPTU supports the maintenance of key infrastructural assets within state ownership and opposes the call by Aer Lingus to consider selling publicly owned airport terminals to private interests. SIPTU Transport, Energy, Aviation and Construction Division Organiser, Greg Ennis, said: “In media reports today (Thursday, 2nd February) the Aer Lingus CEO, Stephen Kavanagh, has questioned the continued public ownership of airport terminals. These state owned and operated airport terminals have been hugely successful. “The sacrifices made by thousands of airport terminal employees over recent years led initially to the stabilising of the operation of Dublin Airport and laid the ground for its current record year on year growth. More than 28 million passengers used the facility in 2016, resulting in major dividends being paid by the Dublin Airport Authority to the State.” He added: “The Aer Lingus CEO’s positioning on this matter is a further example of the agenda of some to drive down the terms and conditions of workers employed across several state owned transport companies. Such moves will not be tolerated by SIPTU members in our state owned airports.”
SIPTU supports state ownership of key infrastructural assets including airport terminals
Feb 2, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017