SIPTU representatives have expressed disappointment that talks held yesterday (Monday, 13th February) between union representatives and management in Dublin City Council concerning the Dublin Fire Brigade ambulance dispute concluded without agreement. SIPTU Public Administration and Community Division Organiser, John King, said: “SIPTU representatives attended yesterday’s talks in the hope that the management of Dublin City Council would be able to commit to engaging in a meaningful dialogue about the issues hampering the provision of ambulance services in Dublin. “Unfortunately, the management representatives were unable to satisfy the unions present that Dublin City Council is willing to begin a process of meaningful engagement on the issues of concern to our members. This is an unfortunate situation, union representatives remain available for talks on the issues in dispute, if and when, senior management in Dublin City Council indicate it is willing to have meaningful engagement.” SIPTU Sector Organiser, Brendan O’Brien, said: “Our members in Dublin Fire Brigade are currently balloting for strike action. This ballot results from a refusal by senior management in Dublin City Council to adequately resource the work of the Dublin Fire Brigade Emergency Medical Service so that it can provide the necessary emergency cover for the residents of Dublin. It is also threatening to commence the dismantling of the service by outsourcing its ambulance call and dispatch function. “Our members' primary concern is the wellbeing of those they are called to assist in emergency situations. There is growing concern that the management of Dublin City Council is increasingly only concerned with divesting itself of responsibility for providing ambulance provision within the city by running down the Dublin Fire Brigade service. This is something which our members, the public and city councillors have indicated they are completely opposed to.” He added: “We are calling upon people to register their support for the campaign to protect the Dublin Fire Brigade ambulance service by signing the ‘Save Dublin's Ambulance’ petition on ipetitions.”
SIPTU talks with Council on Dublin Fire Brigade dispute end without agreement
Feb 14, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017