Bus Éireann trade union and management representatives will begin a 48 hour period of intensive engagement at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) on Tuesday (14th May), aimed at reaching a conclusion to the dispute at the transport company. The basis for the period of intensive engagement was reached following three hours of separate discussions at the LRC involving representatives of trade unions and management at Bus Éireann, which concluded just after 11.00 p.m. on Monday (13th May). At the request of the LRC the company has agreed to suspend the implementation of a Labour Court recommendation affecting workers terms of employment and unions have suspended all forms of industrial action. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, said: “SIPTU Shop Stewards at the CIE Group of Companies will meet today (Tuesday, 14th May) in Liberty Hall, Dublin, in preparation for union representatives meeting with the LRC.” “The meeting will include Shop Stewards in driver, inspector, clerical and craft grades in Bus Éireann. At the meeting Shop Stewards from Dublin Bus and Irish Rail will be informed of developments in the dispute at Bus Éireann.” A count of a ballot for strike action by SIPTU members in Bus Éireann will take place, as scheduled, on Thursday (16th May) at 11.00 a.m.