SIPTU representatives will attend a Labour Court hearing, tomorrow (Thursday, 30th June), concerning a pay claim lodged by members working in Dublin Bus, which seeks significant increases in their earnings. SIPTU Organiser, John Murphy, said: “The pay claim by our members in Dublin Bus envisages the creation of an agreement with a three-year duration that includes annual pay increases. Such an agreement should be in-line with the deal negotiated by SIPTU representatives for our members working on the LUAS light rail network that, we believe, sets the standard for transport workers in Ireland. “The LUAS/SIPTU agreement saw workers receive pay increases worth approximately 4% per year. There is no reason why workers in a profitable state company should not receive similar or greater increases. “SIPTU members in Dublin Bus have not received a pay increase since 2008. Since then the workers have agreed and implemented several re-structuring plans. These plans have succeeded in securing major cost savings for Dublin Bus and in placing the finances of the company on a stable footing.” He added: “Recent years have also seen steady increases in passenger numbers and annual revenue for Dublin Bus. This resulted in the company returning to profitability in late 2014. Taking into account the productivity increases achieved and wage restraint shown over the last eight years, our members in Dublin Bus are calling for pay rises to be granted that are not dependent on the implementation of any further cost saving measures. “Our members believe that there is no reason why a profitable public transport provider, holding a state contract, should not be expected to implement increases in pay that are in line with or above those established as the norm within the transport industry. SIPTU representatives have always stated that increases in pay must be agreed and implemented as the economy recovers. Further increases in pay based on productivity can be negotiated on a grade by grade basis within Dublin Bus. “SIPTU members in Bus Éireann and Irish Rail are currently in the process of making pay claims that are also in line with the transport industry norm which was established by the LUAS/SIPTU agreement.”
SIPTU to attend Labour Court hearing concerning Dublin Bus members pay claim
Jun 29, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2016