SIPTU representatives will attend talks with HSE management at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) on Thursday (4th February) to discuss the union’s exclusion from emergency department consultative forums set up to discuss the overcrowding crisis. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “SIPTU representatives will attend these talks along with our colleagues from the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO). The SIPTU position, which is supported by the IMO, is that our members’ interests must be directly represented in emergency department consultative forums.“These forums have been established in hospitals across the country in recent weeks to discuss how best to manage the overcrowding crisis in emergency departments. Our members deserve parity of esteem with their colleagues working in emergency departments. It is unacceptable that management is discussing the terms and conditions of our members with other representative organisations while their union is excluded.”He added: “We are confident that with the right attitude from the employer this issue can be resolved speedily in a manner which is satisfactory to all concerned.”