SIPTU will meet members in Johnson Brothers in Ballymount, Dublin, on Monday to discuss proposed redundancies at the distribution company. SIPTU Organiser, Graham Macken, said: “The announcement by the management of Johnson Brothers today (Friday, 4th January) that it plans to implement redundancies came as a shock to workers. Union representatives will be meeting with our members in the company on Monday at lunchtime and with management on Tuesday.”“Management has accepted that it has proposed a collective redundancy situation. It has also agreed to respect its statutory obligation to enter into a 30 day negotiation period during which no notice of redundancy can be served on employees.”He added: “During this period, SIPTU will seek to explore all options for staff. These include redeployment within the company, possible employment by DHL, the company to which distribution work at Johnson Brothers is being outsourced, and, where necessary, acceptable redundancy terms for staff."Johnson Brothers is a sales and marketing, merchandising, distribution and logistics provider based at Ballymount in West Dublin, currently employing 283 people. Management has proposed reducing the workforce to 200.